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Do you accept insurance?

It is important to check whether your therapist accepts your insurance plan. If your therapist does not accept your insurance plan, you will be given the option of becoming a private paying client and your therapist will provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company so that you may be reimbursed for any eligible out of network benefits.  Many insurance plans reimburse at a rate of 50% and some have reimbursed at 100%. Please check with your insurance plan to determine your exact eligibility as benefits vary.

What are your fees?

Fees range between $120-$200/hour.  A sliding scale fee may be available to you depending on your household income and financial situation. Intake appointments will be subject to your therapist's full rate fee. The need for a sliding scale fee can be discussed with your therapist during the intake appointment. Additionally, clients are not charged for any between session phone or email contact with their individual therapist.

How long is each session?

Most individual sessions run for 50-55 minutes (1 hr).  Sometimes a client or their therapist determines that a longer session is required (e.g. family therapy, EMDR, etc.) in which case the session would run 80-85 minutes (1.5 hrs) or 110-115 minutes (2 hrs).

When are your office hours?

Our clinicians see clients Monday through Friday as early as 7:00 AM and as late as 7:30 PM.

Do you provide free consultations?

All therapists offer free phone and email consultations but do not conduct in person consultations.  This is due to the inevitability of moving into psychotherapy in a face to face setting.  

What if I am unsure about starting treatment?

The decision to enter into therapy may be somewhat anxiety provoking.  We understand your concerns and seek to create as comfortable and safe of an environment as is possible.  Many individuals have sought therapy in the past and have been unsuccessful in meeting their goals either due to poor fit, unreadiness, a therapist's lack of expertise, etc.  We have had many clients come to us for some of the above reasons and indicate that their experience in therapy with us was just what they required.  If you feel uncertain about starting therapy, then a phone consultation will likely alleviate some of your concerns. Otherwise, most clients know after the first session whether or not they will be able to continue, so you are welcome to take any approach that works best and creates the most comfort for you. 

Will my therapist be available between sessions for coaching or check ins?

Yes!  We believe that generalization of skills and insights uncovered in therapy is necessary and often best managed when clients can reach their therapist at critical moments that are sometimes outside of the therapy hour.  Speak with your therapist to determine their best form of contact as each therapist uses phone time, texting, and emailing as options for coaching and check ins.

How will you determine what is the best treatment and number of sessions for me?

After the initial assessment, your therapist will discuss your treatment plan and share a timeline for therapy.  Generally, your therapist will prefer to meet with you weekly in the beginning of treatment and will taper off as skills are acquired and momentum is gained.  Your therapist may also recommend group therapy in conjunction with or in place of individual therapy depending on your needs.  Treatment planning is a collaborative process so you will be offered multiple opportunities for input.





Find us

Erica Fardette - Cropped Profile Pic_edited.jpg
Carmen Caruso - Profile Pic 2.jpg

Make an Appointment

2901 E Camelback Rd Suite 200

Phoenix, AZ 85016

Office Phone: 602-777-6156

Fax: 602-513-7303



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Copyright 2024.  Psychotherapy Innovations, PLC.  No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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